The birth of the gothic narrative was arguably bolstered by Shelley's 'Frankenstein'. Simply philosophically engaging when one considers how at its core is the question of whether the evil that's prevalent in the world was manufactured by inhumanity.
We read it for the Southern African English Olympiad this year (2016) where we explored the leitmotif: The Darkness in Man's Heart.
Simply fulfilling!
p.s: I especial love the archaic diction - palatable.
This story was scary I loved it! It’s about a guy named Victor that spend months making a creature out of old body parts.
“ ‘Heaven forbid! even if you were really criminal; for that can only drive you to desperation, and not instigate you to virtue.
“But this was a luxury of sensation that could not endure; I became fatigued with excess of bodily exertion, and sank on the damp grass in the sick impotence of despair.
O el moderno Prometeo, es interesante el modo en que este supuesto Dios se aleja de su creación por miedo
it was worth reading, this story had me realize i knew too little only. there were words that were new to me and so when i encountered such i always put them into my notes of new vocabularies. i love Mary Shelley so much she is such a genius
Interesting read, but gripping.
One of the best books ever written.
the begging is so sweet.
There is a lot to be said about this novel, that could not possibly be fully exposed in a few words. The horror of the story is conveyed by a series of narrators. Each narration brings forth the feelings and the need of creating a full opinion based on different perspectives. The laughter, the infernal laughter of the creation and Frankenstein's deed are brought in all its horror. But, moreover, the monster is society, that segregates, discriminates and casts people away by aribitrary norms.