It has been said before; you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with!
B. Varolhar citeretfor 4 år siden
Money is an idea, backed by confidence.
b3075816620har citeretfor 2 år siden
b3075816620har citeretfor 2 år siden
If you hang out with ducks, you will quack… but if you hang out with eagles, you will soar!
b3075816620har citeretfor 2 år siden
you hang out with ducks, you will quack… but if you hang out with eagles, you will soar!
b3075816620har citeretfor 2 år siden
Most important of all, don’t buy anything that constitutes a liability. A liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket no matter what they are worth in the future. Think in terms of cash flow. What can I invest in today that will give me funds tomorrow?
b3075816620har citeretfor 2 år siden
Food – eat healthily and you can even think clearer Laziness – The biggest thing that will hold you back!
b3075816620har citeretfor 2 år siden
You see, when you invest in yourself, it means taking on the importance of educating yourself
b3075816620har citeretfor 2 år siden
Invest in Yourself
The most important and No.1 rule is “Invest in Yourself” – if you don’t, who else will?
Ова мисао се константно показује и искрено вјерујем да је тако. Што си бољи и више вриједиш твој став је квалитетнији, привлачиш боље ствари и дешавају ти се боље ствари. Стрпљивији си, све ти иде глат. Константно улажу у себе!
b3075816620har citeretfor 2 år siden
Leveraging on resources and other people - business people, leaders If you are a professional