In the captivating collection “Twenty-Two Goblins,” the anonymous author weaves a rich tapestry of tales that intertwine wit, moral lessons, and the fantastical elements of Indian folklore. This 14th-century work exemplifies the frame story literary style, wherein multiple narratives are nested within the overarching structure, showcasing the cunning and cleverness of the titular goblins as they outwit humans through whimsical and often humorous scenarios. The stories are infused with playful dialogue and intricate scenarios that reflect on themes of intelligence, deception, and the nature of good versus evil, presenting a unique perspective on morality in a culturally rich context. The anonymity of the author invites intrigue surrounding the origins of “Twenty-Two Goblins,” potentially originating from an oral storytelling tradition prevalent in medieval India. This context of written folklore, safeguarded and transcribed over generations, resonates with the cultural dynamics of its time—blending entertainment with philosophical discourse. The author deftly captures the essence of social norms and human folly through the goblins' antics, reflecting an intimate understanding of both the human condition and the vast Indian cultural heritage. “Twenty-Two Goblins” is not only a delightful exploration of folklore but also an essential study for those interested in the evolution of narrative form and moral philosophy in literature. Readers seeking a blend of humor, nuanced storytelling, and cultural insight will find themselves enchanted by each tale, making it a timeless contribution to the world of literary scholarship.