
Night School: Fracture

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  • b2782572056har citeretfor 4 år siden
    Outside Cimmeria’s gates, the forest was wilder, blocking the weak rays of late afternoon light. Here, it was already night and Allie looked uneasily over her shoulder as she hurried through the gloom.
    With every step she assured herself she was doing the right thing. Nathaniel was out there somewhere and he was looking for her but Allie didn’t care any more. She was so exhausted, so angry, so broken … staying wasn’t an option. She had to go.
    But she’d never felt more exposed. She was completely alone now. And Jo’s killers could be anywhere.
    It was unnervingly quiet, the only sound the crunching of dried twigs under her feet. The sun was setting and the cold was growing intense – the wind cut through the fabric of her coat, chilling the sweat on her skin. In her pockets her hands balled into icy fists.
    At least I know where I’m going, she thought.
    She’d made so many trips to hospitals recently she’d come to know the local roads pretty well, and as she walked she calmed herself by thinking through the route in her head – visualising a map. By her own calculation she wasn’t far from the main road. Once there, all she had to do was turn right and then follow the signs. There were fewer trees around the main road, and more light. It wouldn’t be as spooky.
    All she had to do was get through these woods and she’d be safe. It was simple.
    And it all went perfectly. In fact, she’d almost reached the crossroads when a sound, as faint as an intake of breath, made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.
    Stifling a gasp, she darted right, ducking behind the thick trunk of a tall pine. Crouching low, her hands pressed against the rough bark, she peered into the gloom.
    Whatever that was, she didn’t think it had been made by the trees.

    Fora dos portões de Cimmeria, a floresta era mais selvagem, bloqueando os fracos raios de luz do final da tarde. Aqui, já era noite e Allie olhou inquieto sobre o ombro enquanto corria através da escuridão.
    A cada passo ela assegurou-se que estava a fazer a coisa certa. O Nathaniel estava algures por aí e estava à procura dela, mas a Allie já não se importava. Estava tão exausta, tão zangada, tão destroçada... ficar não era uma opção. Teve que ir.
    Mas nunca se tinha sentido tão exposta. Estava completamente só agora. E os assassinos da Jo podem estar em qualquer lugar.
    Era enervantemente silencioso, o único som a estalar galhos secos debaixo dos pés dela. O sol estava se pondo e o frio estava a ficar intenso – o vento cortou o tecido do casaco, arrefecendo o suor na pele. Nos bolsos, as mãos enfiadas em punhos gelados.
    Pelo menos sei para onde vou.
    Tinha feito tantas viagens a hospitais recentemente que conhecia muito bem as estradas locais, e enquanto caminhava acalmou-se pensando através do percurso na sua cabeça – visualizando um mapa. Pelos seus próprios cálculos, não estava longe da estrada principal. Uma vez lá, tudo o que tinha de fazer era virar à direita e seguir os sinais. Havia menos árvores ao redor da estrada principal, e mais luz. Não seria tão assustador.
    Tudo o que tinha de fazer era atravessar estes bosques e estaria a salvo. Foi simples.
    E tudo correu perfeitamente. Na verdade, ela quase chegou à encruzilhada quando um som, tão fraco como uma entrada de fôlego, fez com que os pelos da parte de trás do pescoço ficassem de pé.
    Sufocando um suspiro, ela disparou para a direita, escondendo-se atrás do tronco grosso de um pinheiro alto. Agachada, com as mãos encostadas à casca áspera, olhou para a escuridão.
    O que quer que fosse, ela não pensou que tinha sido feita pelas árvores.

  • lararodriguestvdhar citeretfor 5 år siden
    Once safely inside, she straightened triumphantly, only to find Isabelle standing in front of her with her arms crossed.

    The headmistress didn’t wait for her to make excuses.

    ‘This is too much.’ Her tone was angry but Allie could hear the sadness in it. ‘You can’t keep doing this, Allie.’

    Some part of Allie felt guilty for hurting her. But she easily suppressed that voice. Instead, she gave a disdainful shrug. ‘Fine. Whatever. Totes reformed. Never do it again, etc.’

    Isabelle drew in a sharp breath. Her wounded expression threatened to make Allie feel something so she
  • Lara Rodrigueshar citeretfor 5 år siden
    There was a time when Allie would have gone to Isabelle for help and advice – when they were close. When she trusted her.

    Those days were over.

    She fixed the headmistress with an uncaring look. ‘The thing is, Isabelle, your help gets people killed. So … no thanks.’

    A direct hit. As Isabelle’s face crumpled, Allie ran out of the door.

    Fighting the urge to cry, she limped down the grand staircase. Her knee ached, and the sound of her uneven footsteps (thump-THUMP thump-THUMP)echoed in the quiet like a cruel laugh.

  • Noorahar citeretfor 6 år siden
    familiar faces watching her expectantly, she knew they wanted the same things she did. Answers. Resolution. Justice.
  • Murphy Lawhar citeretfor 6 år siden
    Only the headmistress and a cadre of carefully chosen security guards were allowed to operate it.
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