Laurie Penny


  • dannynicolinihar citeretfor 6 år siden
    Fine quotes many of the world’s most respected psychiatrists and neuroscientists, such as Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, peddling such codswallop as: ‘The female brain is predominantly hard-wired for empathy. The male brain is predominantly hard-wired for understanding and building systems.’
    This, in fact, is the most persistent delusional artefact of what is known as evolutionary psychology. Women are good at feeling and men are good at thinking. Women have more ‘social’ intelligence, are better able to ‘multitask’, whereas men are better at things that require the sort of focus that can only be achieved when your wife or girlfriend is sorting out dinner.
    Women can be almost as smart as men, but we’re smarter at different things, things like nurturing, listening, taking care of other people, managing social systems, throwing parties, publicising events and inventions men are in charge of, organising the diaries and offices of men that they might better concentrate on the important work, and, of course, raising children. Men, in other words, are good at doing, making and building things; women are good at making life easier for men. We’re not less smart, we’re just different smart. Smart at things that don’t involve being listened to or making an impact on the world. You know, different smart.
    It’s a eugenics of gender that would be seen for the throat-closingly vile propaganda it is were the tests being done on people of different races, ethnicities or sexual preferences. And yet these myths persist because they are soothing, comforting, because they provide a halfway rational basis for the prejudices that poison our society.
    Otherwise rational individuals cling to bad science to justify the ongoing dismissal of women in exactly the same way people once clung to religion to provide that same justification: once, women didn’t go into research and engineering because God had designed them to be full-time mothers; today, women don’t go into research and engineering because evolution designed them to be bad at maths and better at babies. This is, apart from anything else, a terrible misuse of a respected theory.
  • Olga Berkovskyhar citeretfor 3 år siden
    The Internet is a political place, if it is a place, and a place where politics is being altered for ever. Young people, disenfranchised people, ordinary workers sitting at home with tired faces uplit by lonely laptop screens are working out new ways of finding one another in this networked world, building platforms and lines of communication that have, over the past half-decade, routinely outpaced and outsmarted governments. Every time an individual state attempts to crack down on freedom of speech online it reassures Net denizens that online activism and online organising are powerful.
  • Olga Berkovskyhar citeretfor 3 år siden
    Otherwise rational individuals cling to bad science to justify the ongoing dismissal of women in exactly the same way people once clung to religion to provide that same justification: once, women didn’t go into research and engineering because God had designed them to be full-time mothers; today, women don’t go into research and engineering because evolution designed them to be bad at maths and better at babies.
  • Olga Berkovskyhar citeretfor 3 år siden
    Fine quotes many of the world’s most respected psychiatrists and neuroscientists, such as Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, peddling such codswallop as: ‘The female brain is predominantly hard-wired for empathy. The male brain is predominantly hard-wired for understanding and building systems.’
    This, in fact, is the most persistent delusional artefact of what is known as evolutionary psychology. Women are good at feeling and men are good at thinking. Women have more ‘social’ intelligence, are better able to ‘multitask’, whereas men are better at things that require the sort of focus that can only be achieved when your wife or girlfriend is sorting out dinner.
    Women can be almost as smart as men, but we’re smarter at different things, things like nurturing, listening, taking care of other people, managing social systems, throwing parties, publicising events and inventions men are in charge of, organising the diaries and offices of men that they might better concentrate on the important work, and, of course, raising children. Men, in other words, are good at doing, making and building things; women are good at making life easier for men. We’re not less smart, we’re just different smart. Smart at things that don’t involve being listened to or making an impact on the world. You know, different smart.
    It’s a eugenics of gender that would be seen for the throat-closingly vile propaganda it is were the tests being done on people of different races, ethnicities or sexual preferences. And yet these myths persist because they are soothing, comforting, because they provide a halfway rational basis for the prejudices
  • Olga Berkovskyhar citeretfor 3 år siden
    In her excellent book Delusions of Gender, neuroscientist Cordelia Fine meticulously debunks every cod theory attributing social sex class to hardwired ‘brain differences’.
  • Olga Berkovskyhar citeretfor 3 år siden
    We’re told unremittingly that feminism has achieved all of its aims, and that even if it hasn’t, tech and research are fields of perfect meritocracy, so this must be a process of natural selection. If women aren’t making it to the top, that’s clear evidence that they simply aren’t good enough, aren’t bright enough, aren’t committed enough.
  • Olga Berkovskyhar citeretfor 3 år siden
    A job at Google or Facebook is for the young people of the twenty-teens what a job in finance was in the 1980s: a whole new world of pseudo-meritocracy, with its own laws and customs that happen to be that much easier to negotiate if you’re a white, straight, middle-class cis guy, however much the recruitment drivel claims otherwise.
  • Olga Berkovskyhar citeretfor 3 år siden
    He uses his smartness to make a pile of cash and get the girl, becoming the ultimate neo-capitalist patriarch without even having to change out of his slogan T-shirt.
  • Olga Berkovskyhar citeretfor 3 år siden
    We have to take back the word ‘geek’, not just women and girls, but anyone out there who is fed up with the assumption that being a geek means sitting in your parents’ basement in a failed startup hoodie, hating women.
  • Olga Berkovskyhar citeretfor 3 år siden
    If you’re not a geek or a nerd I suspect you’ll be boring in bed and out of it. Nerds are the sexiest. Nerds are quick learners, and they’ve often read a lot of instruction manuals before they get a chance to try out their tricks. Nerds get excited. Nerds can fix things, like your hard drive, or your heart. And sometimes you can learn things from them.

    word sis

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