This is the game played out at airports often, when flights are over-booked. Free roundtrip tickets are offered to anybody who will stay put and wait hours to get on a later flight. If there are 300 on the flight, you never see a stampede of 300 fighting over the free tickets. Sometimes only 2 or 3. Often the airline’s announcer has to sweeten the offer, after no takers go to the podium. If it was impossible to combat free, and everybody wanted it, there’d be a mad rush. Why isn’t there? Because the majority prefer the cash price they’ve paid to get where they want to go when they planned on getting there than a free trip now plus another free trip later, with its costs including not getting where they wanted to go when they wanted to get there, waiting around the airport for five boring hours, and uncertainty about really getting out on the next flight. For 295 of 300, the price of free is too high.