Northern Ireland was as dirty a war to Irish people as Vietnam was to Americans. This book epitomizes the era and how people lived during the 60s & 70s. How the Civil Rights movement came into being and the fallout thereafter. It confirms that “Bigotry” is not a thing of the past and that it can still rear its ugly head.
There were many different stories of how my sister Kathleen was murdered; the number of gunmen, how many shots were fired and from what location?
Everyone had the real story….
So I decided once and for all to cut through all these Rumours and ambiguities and find out what really did happen on the evening of Wednesday the 14th November 1973. Kathleen Feeney was shot dead aged fourteen years old. But this story begins 30 years after her death.
The journey brought me face to face with her murderer, meeting the IRA and rewriting history.