The only right thing to do is to learn how to deal with the situation as it is.
nanaddvphar citeretfor 5 år siden
"A woman's hands will do many things when no-one's looking,"
mariem yermanihar citeretfor 2 måneder siden
only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves.
Sananhar citeretsidste år
You've not behaved towards us the way we deserve after being so good to you, you forget that we, whatever we are, we're still free men and you're not, and that's quite an advantage.
Charvi Tomarhar citeretfor 4 år siden
It's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves
babycloudzhar citeretfor 5 år siden
forced to forbid you to do something that you ought to have forbidden yourself to do
nuraychurokhar citeretfor 9 år siden
understanding of the same matter are not mutually exclusive
Sofiiahar citeretfor 7 dage siden
. It's sometimes quite astonishing that a single, average life is enough to encompass so much that it's at all possible ever to have any success in one's work here.
Sofiiahar citeretfor 7 dage siden
it signifies either nothing or nothing good
Sofiiahar citeretfor 7 dage siden
in this, as with anything else, a competent man will learn more than another