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Janet McKenzie Hill

Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes

  • Dušica Gavrilovi殩™ Novi Pazar, Srbija ©®™har citeretsidste år
    The term "Cocoa," a corruption of "Cacao," is almost universally used in English-speaking countries to designate the seeds of the small tropical tree known to botanists as THEOBROMA CACAO, from which a great variety of preparations under the name of cocoa and chocolate for eating and drinking are made.
  • dariadiahar citeretfor 3 år siden
    Melt, by standing over hot water, three ounces of unsweetened chocolate; add a pound of sifted powdered sugar and mix thoroughly; work to a stiff yet pliable paste with the unbeaten whites of three eggs (or less), adding vanilla to flavor. If the paste seems too soft, add more sugar. Break off in small pieces and roll out about one-fourth of an inch thick, sprinkling the board and paste with granulated sugar instead of flour. Cut with a tiny heart-shaped cake cutter (any other small cake cutter will do), and place on pans oiled just enough to prevent sticking. Bake in a very moderate oven. When done, they will feel firm to the touch, a solid crust having formed over the top. They should be very light, and will loosen easily from the pan after being allowed to stand a moment to cool. The success of these cakes depends upon the oven, which should not be as cool as for meringue, nor quite so hot as for sponge cake. If properly made, they are very excellent and but little labor. Use the yolks for chocolate whips.—From "Good Housekeeping."
  • dariadiahar citeretfor 3 år siden
    Soften three cups of stale bread in an equal quantity of milk. Melt two squares of Walter Baker & Co.'s Chocolate over hot water and mix with half a cup of sugar, a little salt, three beaten eggs and half a teaspoonful of vanilla. Mix this thoroughly with the bread and place in well-buttered custard-cups. Steam about half an hour (according to size) and serve in the cups or turned out on warm plate.—Mrs. Helen Armstrong.
  • dariadiahar citeretfor 3 år siden
    ¼ a cup of butter,
    1 ½ cups of powdered sugar,
    1 egg,
    1 cup of milk,
    2 cups of bread flour,
    3 teaspoonfuls of baking powder,
    ½ teaspoonful of vanilla,
    2 squares of chocolate, melted,
    ½ a cup of powdered sugar,
    2/3 a cup of almonds blanched and shredded.
    Cream the butter, add gradually one and one-half cups of sugar, and egg unbeaten; when well mixed, add two-thirds milk, flour mixed and sifted with baking powder, and vanilla. To melted chocolate add one-third a cup of powdered sugar, place on range, add gradually remaining milk, and cook until smooth. Cool slightly and add to cake mixture. Bake fifteen to twenty minutes in round layer-cake pans. Put between layers and on top of cake White Mountain Cream sprinkled with almonds.—From Boston Cooking School Cook Book—Fannie Merritt Farmer.
  • dariadiahar citeretfor 3 år siden
    4 level tablespoonfuls of butter,
    2 eggs,
    1 cup of sugar,
    ¾ a cup of milk.
    Two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one and three-quarter cups of sifted flour or enough to make mixture stiff enough to drop from the spoon. Bake in buttered gem pans in moderately hot oven twenty-three or twenty-five minutes. If the cake springs back after pressing a finger on the top, it shows that it is baked enough. To make a cocoa cottage pudding add to the above rule six level tablespoonfuls of cocoa. Serve with a vanilla sauce.
  • dariadiahar citeretfor 3 år siden
    The Spanish ladies of the New World, it is said, carried their love for chocolate to such a degree that, not content with partaking of it several times a day, they had it sometimes carried after them to church. This favoring of the senses often drew upon them the censures of the bishop; but the Reverend Father Escobar, whose metaphysics were as subtle as his morality was accommodating, declared, formally, that a fast was not broken by chocolate prepared with water; thus wire-drawing, in favor of his penitents, the ancient adage, 'Liquidum non frangit jejunium
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