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For Those Who Hate Reading

Natalie Pang
Started late? Can't stand long stories? Don't understand big words? Don't worry - we'll get you slowly started on short stories and riveting reads.
    Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 7 år siden
    Two high flyers trying to get ahead - but will their careers put their love life on hold? And the owner of a bakery hires a new, well, baker. The stories are sweet, fluffy, and perfect for all the grinches in Christmas. Even if it's not Christmas, it's clear that Beth Barany has brought out the magic of the festival anyway.
    Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 7 år siden
    If you're constantly restless and find yourself unable to finish a book, then try this one. It's part sci-fi, part thriller, part corporate espionage. Plenty of action happens and it's hard to be bored with so many things going on!
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  • Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    Short stories mean you don't have to read a book from cover to cover. You can pick out the stories you like best. But in the case of Burnt Tongues, nearly everyone is good - because it doesn't shy away from the tough topics and taboo.
    Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    Sci-fi nerds if you prefer watching Star Trek than reading, then this one is for you. If there is one sci-fi/fantasy author you must know, it's Asimov. This short story featuring aliens and another world is captivating and out of this world (couldn't help the pun!)
  • Isaac Asimov
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  • Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    George Orwell is a must-read for any one, and this short novel is the book to start. Non-readers will be glad to know that the language is simple yet rich, the plot riveting and the prose short.
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  • Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    Often those who dislike reading find that the subject matter doesn't concern them, or that the material doesn't relate. Paul Coelho's The Alchemist is a must-read for any 20-something who's on their own journey finding and pursuing a purpose in life. It's not a short story - but there are illuminating lessons in there that even a non-reader would be glad to sift through a wall of text.
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  • Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    Children's book? No - don't underestimate this powerful novel. Roald Dahl so wittily and humorously highlights Matilda's dysfunctional home and uses simple language to draw in the reader.
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  • Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    True fact: a dyslexic friend of mine made it through all of Dan Brown's novels. If reading is a chore for you, then perhaps a good plot can spur you to take time and slowly read?
  • Dan Brown
    Inferno: A Novel
    Dan Brown
    Inferno: A Novel
    • 2.2K
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  • Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    This fascinating fictional portrait of Shanghai makes this book hard to put down. The struggles of five different people trying to make it in this cold city is thought provoking and possibly visceral, for some. Their hopes and dreams and tragedies are laid bare for us to read and it's like a train wreck that we can't look away from.
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  • Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    Contrary to popular belief of non-readers, reading is definitely not a waste of time - not when you can also experience and read for yourself the misadventures of other people. Rodney Ee chronicles his mishaps and funny tales of travelling with sharp wit and humorous observations. If this doesn't spur you on to take on bumbling trip yourself, we don't know what will.
    Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    Don't write off a book simply because you think you don't have the attention span for it. Leow Yangfa's collection of personal stories are not overly sappy, yet are full of emotion that overflows into your heart.
    Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    If you hate reading because some authors get WAY too indulgent with their words (and work), then you need one that is straight to the point and terse, maybe. David Leavitt's short stories is no-nonsense and there's a lack of sentimentality to it, despite tackling hard topics like cancer, divorce, loveless marriages, family feuds and near-murder.
    Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    Ok this is for the ones who picked up Gone Girl and DIDN'T like it or finish it. If you want something more riveting, more suspenseful and with a twist you didn't see coming, then this is the one. In fact, we'll say this is a crime novel for those who don't even /like/ the genre.
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  • Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    Crazy. Rich. Asians. The title of the book tells it all. This great read moves by really quickly with all the crazy travel escapades, the ludicrous, snarky comments and the drama that can't possibly be true. Except that it all is. The short novel reads like a crazy film and I found it hard to put down!
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  • Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    Don't be daunted by his powerhouse work Ulysses. Dubliners is easily accessible with the short stories outlining the lives of the normal. It might seem mundane at first, but Joyce draws out the characters in such a powerful way that you'll be compelled to root for them.
  • James Joyce
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  • Natalie Pangtilføjede en bog til boghyldenFor Those Who Hate Readingfor 9 år siden
    Great place to start because the short stories range from a whole bunch of genres including fantasy, light-hearted comedy and historical fiction. Case in point: in the titular short story, there is man whose facial expressions are controlled by ropes. Intriguing!
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