evelop your persuasive abilities if you want to be a charismatic person and convince others to support your thoughts and suggestions.
kizhannexhar citeretsidste år
People admire charismatic people more when they listen patiently to what they offer.
kizhannexhar citeretsidste år
charisma is the ability to draw people to you, captivate them, and exert influence over them
ivanatodoroviicchar citeretsidste år
You must be genuine if you want to influence others positively.
ivanatodoroviicchar citeretsidste år
Stress symptoms include clenched teeth, a stiff neck, and wrinkled brows.
ivanatodoroviicchar citeretsidste år
Your eyebrows will most likely rise when you are surprised, worried, or afraid.
ivanatodoroviicchar citeretsidste år
A powerful position is to stand up straight with your shoulders back since it seems to enhance the amount of space you occupy.
ivanatodoroviicchar citeretsidste år
The mouth can deceive, but the eyes can't when smiling.
ivanatodoroviicchar citeretsidste år
Physical obstacles like crossed arms and legs indicate the listener is not receptive to your message.
ivanatodoroviicchar citeretsidste år
According to UCLA research, only 7% of communication is based on the words we use. The remaining 38% is determined by voice tonality, while the remaining 55% is determined by body language.