The veteran success coach offers practical strategies for projecting credibility at work and in life.
For some, projecting confidence and credibility is second nature. For others, it seems like a foreign language they’ll never learn—until now. In Why People Don't Believe You Rob Jolles leverages decades of experience to equip readers with empowering and practical tools for building the kind of credibility that leads to business and social success.
Jolles argues that credibility is as much about attitude as it is about aptitude. So-called “soft skills” like pitch, pace, and tone of voice, are a crucial part of how people perceive us. As he puts it, “it’s not the words, it’s the tune” that really makes us memorable and credible.
Why People Don’t Believe You will help readers cultivate a robust mental framework and a set of “performance skills” to tackle self-doubt, feel more confident, and project credibility. He offers specific tactics and practices for successful communication, advice on handling setbacks and moments of insecurity, and reveals how to sustain your newfound credibility for the long haul.